01 May 2023 Cabot Job Fair tomorrow with 200+ opportunities
CABOT — As part of ongoing efforts to assist businesses with recruiting efforts, the City of Cabot invites job seekers to attend and participate in the 2023 Cabot Area Job Fair on May 3, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Veterans Park Community Center.

Employers will be able to connect with all job seekers and perform on-the-spot interviews. The event is completely FREE to vendors and participants.
The job fair will include more than 200+ job opportunities from various industries in the Cabot area. “This will be a fantastic opportunity for attendees to network with employers and learn more about the various job opportunities available in the area,” said Alicia Payseno, director of economic development. Participants are urged to dress professionally, bring resumes and be prepared for an informal interview.
Attendees are encouraged to confirm their attendance by registering at https://bit.ly/43O4GOE.
For more information regarding this event, contact Alicia Payseno at 501.843.3566 Ext.1014 or alicia@cabotar.gov.