Makeover winners excited about new year

Sponsored by 501 Advertising and Publishing, the makeover prize package is valued up to $100,000 and includes a total smile makeover, weight loss and fitness program, nutrition counseling, skincare and nearly anything else needed for a complete makeover.

In addition, winners will receive a pedicure and manicure as well as clothing and accessories, flowers, a limo ride and dinner for two to celebrate their accomplishments.

Contest sponsors include Dalton Designer Smiles, 24/7 Fitness, US Compounding, Elan, Hurley Chiropractic, Harrington & Co., Walk This Way, Premier Designs Jewelry, Ye Olde Daisy Shoppe, Celebration Limo and Oak Street Bistro.

Nearly four months into their makeover, Peggy and Christina have each lost about 20 pounds, dropped a size or two and seen an increase in their energy level.

“Working out at 24/7 is a must to succeed,” said Christina “We have had great trainers and I actually work out at both of their locations. It is a very friendly gym and the staff and clients are always there to help with any questions.”

Because of her weight loss and new physical fitness, Peggy will no longer have to take medication for high blood sugar. “I am so excited,” she said. “It seems like the more I lose the more I really want this. I am feeling good, sleeping good and looking better.”

The experience has also meant a change in medication for Christina. “I have lowered my body fat and my doctor has cut my blood pressure medicine in half,” she said.

“I am hoping that I can eliminate my blood pressure medication.”

Peggy has lost nearly three inches in her waist, five inches in her hips and eight inches in her thighs.

“I sleep almost all night now and that is huge for me. I use to wake up every two to three hours. Now I get about seven hours of sleep at night,” Peggy said.

Dalton Designer Smiles is working with both women to address their dental needs.

“When I look in the mirror now I am beginning to like what I see,” said Peggy. “Thanks to Dr. Dalton, I actually like to smile really big now with a full set of teeth!”

“I have had my braces and TMJ fitting for about a week now,” said Christina. “I feel immediate relief of my headaches and I had no pain whatsoever associated with the braces. Dr Dalton and his staff are very gentle and I look forward to seeing the final result.”

Both women are looking forward to 2011 and what the conclusion of the makeover experience will bring.

“I am really excited just to see how far I will really be by the end of this amazing journey,” Peggy said.

“I still have a long way to go but I have no doubt I will achieve my goals with all the support I am getting from everyone involved in this. Plus, my family and friends have been amazing! I cannot begin to thank everyone for this blessing.”