Couple of the Month: Stephanie and Bill Mockabee

Photo by Mike Kemp


Where did you grow up:Wheeling, W.Va.

Education: Associates of Arts degree.

Parents: Ed and Goldie Long – Wheeling, W.Va.

Community activities: Member of Kiwanis Club in North Little Rock.

Hobbies/special interests: I enjoy being outdoors. Hiking is where I find peace in my busy world. Exploring all the beautiful places surrounding Little Rock has often led to getting lost in the woods, which unfortunately happens more than I care to admit. We have recently added a new family member to our house. Our puppy requires a lot of time and energy. 

How would you describe yourself: I like to think I am a kind and thoughtful person. I am a passionate person, working hard at whatever the task is, big or small. I think I take myself too seriously, not stopping as often as I should to enjoy the little things. I am a protector, rooting for the underdog and doing what I can to help with their success.

What is one thing people don’t know about you: I am more sensitive than what I let on.

What is your motto: I want to always possess a kind and loving heart, but never lose a fearless spirit.


Where did you grow up:Moving around the South – I’ve never lived in one city more than five years my entire life. THE SOUTH is the short answer.

Education: BA in Christian Ministry from Trevecca University.

Parents: William and Debra Mockabee – retired Salvation Army officers who live in Midlothian, Texas.

Community activities: Rotarian at Club 99 in Little Rock.

Hobbies/special interests: Hiking, kayaking, golfing, and Alabama football — ROLL TIDE.

How would you describe yourself: I am a Jesus follower and believe that, by reflecting the character of God in our everyday lives and interactions, we can create a world that is much different than the one we live in. I am goal-oriented and have learned to love reading later in life. I am passionate about helping people find success and seeing them grow in their spiritual and personal lives.

What is one thing people don’t know about you: Even though I am in front of people all day, and on a stage preaching every Sunday, I am an introvert. To recharge, I have to spend time alone.

Most enjoyed weekend activity: If Alabama is not playing football, I enjoy hiking with my wife and dog.

What is your motto: If it isn’t broke, break it. What works now in business and ministry won’t be the same thing that works moving forward.

Their STORY:

HOW WE MET:This depends on who you ask. According to Stephanie, she remembers meeting me when I was very young at a SA camp, where our parents happened to meet for the first time. However, Bill would state that we first met as teenagers at a SA youth event in Ocean City, Md. The retreat in Ocean City is where we started as a couple and through writing letters — yes that was a thing — and calling each other to talk. We both would get in trouble for this since we lived in different states and long-distance rates applied to home phones. We continued to attend youth retreats and work at SA Summer Camps for two summers to spend more time together.

The proposal: Not much of a story here and no proper proposal or romantic gesture. We were very young, 18 years old and very much in love. The only thing we were sure about is that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together.

Wedding bells: Wheeling at The SA Church on Aug. 19, 1995. We wed and moved away from our hometowns for a fresh start together.

Children: I tried to name my kids after the ’85 Chicago Bears … two out of three isn’t bad.Payton is a Licensed Medical Social Worker in Dallas, Texas – after Walter Payton. William is a junior at SMU in Dallas – after William “Refrigerator” Perry. Christian is a freshman at Navarro College in Midlothian, Texas – Bill tried to name him Jim McMahon Mockabee but Stephanie intervened.

Pets: Saban (named after Alabaman head football coach Nick Saban) is a German Shorthaired Pointer that has completely turned our empty nest upside down. We are loving MOST every minute of it.

Stephanie and Bill spent two years at The SA Training College in Atlanta. At the end of which, they were ordained as ministers in The SA.

They have had many church appointments. Currently, they are in Little Rock overseeing Central Arkansas, including two churches in North Little Rock and Conway, all of the social services provided in eight counties with four physical locations, and the Family Store that operates in Conway.