Celebrating seasons with kids

Once the holidays pass and the excitement of the cooler weather subsides, we are left with bored kids who are stuck inside due to cold weather. Winter tends to be the most difficult season in regard to keeping kids occupied. The summer heat can be escaped through water activities and both fall and spring are enjoyable due to beautiful weather. 

Winter, however, is much more difficult because you often cannot put on enough clothes to be comfortable outside. Therefore, kids tend to stay cooped up in the house, watching television or playing video games this time of year. However, there are some fun activities you can do with your children to pass the time during these cold months.

We often get cold temperatures without much snow. If we are going to have the cold weather, we may as well have the snow to go along with it, right? This winter you can make paper snowflakes with your kids if Mother Nature decides to deprive us of the natural kind. This activity helps to develop and refine your child’s fine motor skills while also allowing them to create unique snowflakes that they can either leave white or decorate. 

Another craft idea is to make homemade bird feeders. Collect pine cones from outside and coat them in peanut butter, then roll them in bird seed. You can tie yarn at the top and hang them from tree branches outside your house, then watch the birds enjoy the seed from inside your warm home. 

Board games are another fun way to enjoy spending time together while being stuck inside. Make some hot chocolate or another warm treat and play your family’s favorite board games together. If your family prefers cards or other games, play those instead. Games are a great way to spend time together and laugh on cold winter nights. 

If we happen to get a decent amount of snow, there are many activities you can do outside with your children to enjoy the winter weather. Ensure you and your children are dressed appropriately with plenty of layers. Keep as little skin exposed to the cold air and snow as possible. 

Kids often enjoy lying in the snow and making snow angels. You can also build a snowman or have a snowball fight. Just make sure to set some rules before a snowball fight to avoid anyone getting injured or upset. If there is enough snow on the ground, it is also fun to build a snow fort and crawl inside. Children love playing in the snow, but just make sure to take your kids back inside if they become too cold. 

The winter months can be long and cold with fewer activities to do with kids than the other three seasons. Hopefully your family will have fun doing some of these activities this winter to help pass the time in a healthier way than just spending hours of screen time. 

Happy winter, everyone! Stay warm!

Kellie Bishop
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