18 Mar 2014 Ride for Literacy at the Tour de Toad
An official event of Toad Suck Daze, Tour de Toad is a bike ride to raise funds to increase adult literacy in Faulkner and Pulaski counties while encouraging a healthy lifestyle and cycling.
The event, presented by First Security Bank, is planned Saturday, May 3, in Conway.
New this year is the Iron Toad event, where Literacy Action of Central Arkansas is awarding those who complete both the Toad Suck Daze Run and the Tour de Toad. The Toad Run, coordinated by the Conway Kiwanis Club, is at 8 a.m., which gives runners plenty of time to rest and gear up for the bike ride at 1 p.m. (see Page 9 for more information on the run). Participants who complete both the run and the ride (any combination of routes) will receive a special Iron Toad medal at the end of the ride.
Cyclists can pick between a 25-mile and 46-mile route.
Snacks and other amenities are provided at the finish line celebration. Riders will receive a custom water bottle, and the first 50 registrants will be entered for a chance to win a six-month subscription to bikeloot.com, the world’s only cycling discovery box that loots you up with five to seven new and emerging cycling products directly to your door every month.
The Tour de Toad takes off at the Conway High School Field House. Packet pick up and registration open at noon at the field house. All levels of cyclists are welcome.
Early bird registration for the fully supported ride is $35 through Wednesday, April 30, and is available at Active.com (keyword: Tour de Toad). Registration is $45 starting on Thursday, May 1.
Tour de Toad is supported by First Security Bank, Walmart Neighborhood Market, the Conway Area Chamber of Commerce, The Ride, Conway Advocates for Bicycling (CAB), First Class Trophies, U.S. Pizza Conway, Y107.1 and BikeLoot.com.
Updated information for Tour de Toad, including route maps, is available on Facebook: facebook.com/TourDeToad.