12 Mar 2014 Renewal Ranch plans Golf Classic
Renewal Ranch will host its fourth annual Golf Classic tournament Monday, April 21, at The Greens at Nutters Chapel golf course in Conway.
The tournament will be a four-person scramble and the cost is $400 per team. Entry includes green fees, carts, breakfast and lunch, refreshments and a goody bag. Registration and breakfast are at 7 a.m. with a shotgun start at 8 a.m. Sponsorship levels are available.
The top three teams will be awarded cash prizes and there will be course contests for each round. Deadline to enter is Thursday, April 17.
All proceeds of the tournament will benefit Renewal Ranch, built on 112 acres just outside of Conway, and its ongoing operations and special projects. The projects include maintenance and storage buildings; construction materials for walking trail and bridges; infrastructure for future bunkhouses and support facilities; and construction materials for converting an existing building into an office.
Renewal Ranch is dedicated to restoring broken lives through Christ. The ranch feeds, houses and ministers to men who attend free of charge. The ministry accepts no state or federal funding.
For more information, visit www.therenewalranch.org.