13 Sep 2021 North Little Rock plans Job Fair next week
NORTH LITTLE ROCK – The City of North Little Rock is hosting a Job Fair from noon to 6 p.m., Sept. 22, at the North Little Rock Chamber of Commerce at 100 Main Street in the upstairs conference room. Applicants can apply on-site for available positions or apply online. The City of North Little Rock offers competitive pay and a benefits package, including: health and dental insurance, a defined benefit retirement plan and more incentives. All attendees should register inside the Chamber conference room when arriving.

The Arkansas Workforce Services mobile unit will be located on-site for applicants to apply online at governmentjobs.com/careers/nlr. Food trucks, tents, tables and chairs will be located outside. The City is partnering with UAMS and Medicine Man to provide a COVID-19 vaccine clinic at the Job Fair for anyone 12 or older. Identification is required to receive the Pfizer vaccine. An incentive, funded by the American Rescue Plan Act, will be given to anyone that receives a vaccination at the Job Fair: $75 for the first shot and $125 for the second vaccine. Anyone receiving the second vaccine must provide their COVID-19 vaccination card and personal identification.
For more information or to schedule an interview, please contact Shara Brazear, director of communications at 501.975.8833.