Healthy afterschool snacks

Foods that are full in vitamins and low in calories and fat make for great snacks, especially after a day at school.

Fruits and vegetables are good choices as well as some types of crackers and cheeses.

Other healthy snack choices include:

Apples (dried or cut into wedges)



Fruit leather (dried fruit puree)

Carrots (regular carrots cut into strips so they are easy to chew, or baby carrots)

Snap peas (the pods are edible)

Nuts (if your child is not allergic)

Dry cereal (if sugar is not listed as one of the first 2 ingredients)


String cheese

Put snacks in small plastic bags so they are easy to carry in a pocket or backpack. Use small bags to give your child the right size portions.

Avoid junk food snacks like chips, candy, cake, cookies and ice cream. It is easier to keep kids away from these foods if you do not have them in your house.

It’s OK to let your child have an unhealthy snack once in a while. Children may try to sneak unhealthy food if they are never allowed to have these foods. The key is balance.


Source: Conway Regional Health System. Visit for additional tips on healthy snacks.