Fitness 101 quiz

1. In preparing to work out, should you warm up and then stretch your muscles or stretch first?

2. If your personal weight loss goal is 5 pounds, how many calories will have to be burned or negated to accomplish this goal? 

    a. 2,500        b. 5,000 
    c. 11,500      d. 17,500

3. True or false: To reduce the risk of injuries, it is wise to incorporate a variety of activities into an exercise program.

4. Your goal in 2011 is to start jogging on a regular basis and participate in the Toad Suck Daze 5K or 10K on Saturday, April 30. What is one of the most important things to do before you begin this jogging program?

5. True or false: If you want a flat stomach, the way to achieve it is by performing at least 100 sit-ups five days per week.

6. True or false: When considering treatment for a possible muscle strain, R.I.C.E. is nice.

7. True or false: For cardiovascular health and heart disease risk reduction, walking can be just as beneficial as running.

8. True or false: Advertisements for fitness and weight loss that include the adjectives “quick, fast, easy, guaranteed results, amazing” may not be based upon pure scientific research.

9. True or false: A good way to boost your metabolism is to perform resistance training two to three times per week.

10. True or false: The calories in one Hershey Kiss equate to walking a lap around a track (1/4 mile).

1. The ideal plan is to warm your muscles up for a few minutes and then do some stretching. Warm muscles are more pliable and are easier to stretch than if they are cold.

2. d. 17,500 since there are 3,500 calories in a pound of fat tissue. Reducing your caloric intake by 250 calories per day and burning off 250 through exercise will equate to one pound of fat loss per week. 500 x 7 = 3,500.

3. True: Variety is the spice of life and workouts. Mixing up your routine is wonderful for the mind, body and spirit…and spreads out the stress on your muscles and joints.

4. Go to a running store with a knowledgeable staff that can help you analyze your feet to see what type of shoe is best. You need to find a shoe that matches your feet. Not all feet are created equal.
5. False: A flat, washboard-like stomach is not achievable for many people – even extremely lean ones. Performing crunches will strengthen the abdominal muscles, but will not burn the fat tissue that lies over the muscle. The crunches will also indirectly assist the back muscles and your posture.

6. If you suspect an injured muscle or ligament/tendon area, use the RICE (Rest Ice Compression Elevation) plan. Rest the injured area and place some crushed ice on the injured tissue. Elevate the area if possible to keep blood from pooling. Ice reduces inflammation. Bags of frozen peas or corn can be used instead of ice bags. The sooner you get the ice applied, the better.

7. True:  A brisk walk is just as effective as jogging as a means to enhance your cardiovascular health and reduce the risk for heart disease. It is best to walk at a good pace to maximize the benefits. Walk at a pace that you would utilize if you were late for an appointment.

8. True. Caveat Emptor rules when it comes to fitness or weight loss advertisements. Buyer..beware! Consumers need to think in terms of “Show me the science” when it comes to believing advertising claims. Be careful before investing in some of these products. If it sounds too good to be true, it may not be true.

9. True.  Research has shown that performing resistance training is one of the best ways to increase your metabolism. Two or three days per week for just 30 minutes per session is adequate.

10. Sad, but True. Each of these chocolate gems has 25 calories, which is equivalent to the calories expended when walking one lap around a track. Four kisses to a mile. OUCH!