17 Mar 2017 Fishin’ for a Mission planned April 29
The Third Annual Fishin’ for a Mission benefit bass tournament will be held Saturday, April 29, at Beaverfork Lake near Conway.
Last year the event raised $3,000 for Soul Food Café Mission. Soul Food Café was created about 15 years ago and provides about 300 food boxes each Tuesday and serves about 300 plate lunches.
The fishing tournament was founded by Amanda and Brian Parsons, combining an interest in fishing with helping an outreach they support. Their inaugural tournament in 2015 raised $1,400.
“Watching Rick and Traci and their heart to serve makes me want to do more,” said Amanda, who has been a volunteer with Soul Food for the last several years.
The benefit fishing tournament includes $2,500 in guaranteed cash prizes and many door prizes. Participants and spectators will also be treated to complimentary food during the weigh-in at 3pm.
For more information on Fishin’ for a Mission or to register, check out the website www.fish4amission.org. You can also contact the tournament staff at [email protected] or 501.514.0898 or 501.514.1140. For information on Soul Food Café, visit soulfoodcafemission.org.