
Coupon Cafe to launch in January

This was my experience until I recently met three ladies from Faulkner County who know how to play the game when it comes to making the most out of their coupons. They are mind boggling to listen to as they share their coupon saving experiences from local supermarkets and discount stores. Although I have to admit, I will probably never be able to spend as much time as they do in trying to save and make money with the use of coupons, I have learned some very valuable tips and now have my own stories of savings to share.

I was also recently introduced to a coupon program taking place in Eastern Arkansas. It’s a club set up for people interested in learning how to use coupons, a support group for those who have been successful and a place to learn from each other. Participants attend a monthly meeting and participate in a coupon exchange. They record their monthly savings and develop spending and savings plans. 

Door prizes of free groceries and special offers are given away at each meeting. It’s the kind of program I had envisioned for residents of Faulkner County.

After searching through a stack of couponing programs and weeding through websites, we were able to develop a coupon program that we believe will work in the 501. With the help of the UofA Cooperative Extension Resource Management Instructor Laura Connerly, the Rev. Tammy Garrison of Crosspoint United Methodist Church in Conway and the ideas of ladies like Kay Andrew and Brenda Sanson, we will launch the Coupon Café in January. 

The Coupon Café will be held once or twice a month depending on interest and will be hosted by Crosspoint Methodist. It will be a place for interested people to meet other “couponers” and participate in a coupon exchange, learn tips and tricks of the trade and hear great guest speakers who will provide timely information on saving and spending. Door prizes and special drawings will also be awarded for participation. 

nyone wishing to enroll in the savings program will also be eligible for additional rewards and prizes. As interest increases, the group plans to take its message on the road and work with groups and organizations around Faulkner County. The mission is to train smart consumers.

The launch party for the Coupon Café will be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 12, at the Conway Natural Resource Center. Come join the fun.  

For more information, please contact Melanie Malone at the Faulkner County Extension Office at 501.329.8344.