25 Jan 2012 Conway Regional and UCA plan Pink Zone
The UCA Sugar Bears and the Conway Regional Health System are establishing a weekend partnership in efforts to convey a concern that both share – breast cancer awareness.
UCA’s Farris Center will be the hosting site for this year’s Pink Zone Weekend on Saturday, Feb. 18. Pink Zone is a global initiative recognized by the Women’s Basketball Coaches Association (WBCA) in an effort to raise awareness about breast cancer on the court, across campuses and in the communities.
The event will begin at noon. Free healthcare information will be distributed and free T-shirts will be given to the first 300 people. A “meet and greet” with UCA cheerleaders and the Sugar Bear mascot are among some of the activities that will take place before the basketball game.
At 2 p.m., the Sugar Bears will be on the court playing against Sam Houston State.
Before the game until halftime, Conway Regional will be hosting a Cancer Health Fair. There will be free cancer-related screenings and free healthcare information available.
Admission for the pregame and game is $2, which will donated to the Conway Regional Cancer Program. The health fair is open to the public.
For more information about the event, contact UCA athletics at 501.450.3219 or visit ucasports.com. Information is also available at Conway Regional at 501.513.5800 or conwayregional.org.