Advertorial: 501der Woman – Lora Hendrix

Lora Hendrix

Place of employment/business: South Conway County School District

Title: Associate Superintendent

How long have you been with your current business? 9 years

Why did you choose your vocation? I chose the teaching profession because of my grandmother, Dartha Hanks. She was born in 1914 and lived to be 98 years old. Not only did she model the character and compassion of a true educator, she constantly encouraged me to go into this noble profession in order to positively change the world and help grow the hearts and minds of the next generation. Even though my grandmother was unable to live out her dream to become a professional educator, she was certainly a kind “teacher” to everyone she met. It is no surprise that many of her children and grandchildren chose to join the teaching profession as a result of her long-lasting legacy.

Family information: Ryan Hendrix, (husband of 25 yrs.), GM of both Fiber Resource Division & Pinecrest Lumber Division for Green Bay Packaging Inc, located in Morrilton and Menifee. Children: Garrett Hendrix (19 yrs.), College of Forestry student at Mississippi State University; Grace Hendrix (16 yrs.), student at Morrilton High School

Education: B.S. in Secondary Education (Mathematics), Oklahoma State University (1996), M.Ed. in Educational Leadership, Arkansas Tech University (1999), Ed.S. in Educational Leadership, University of Central Arkansas (2015)

Community involvement/church activities: Rotary Club of Morrilton; Vision 2020/Conway County, Inc. Board of Directors; Conway County Excel by 8; Alpha Sigma Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma; Lonoke Missionary Baptist Church

How do you maintain your work/life balance? The simple answer would be my faith and trust in God. I am at peace because my husband and I know that everything rests in God’s hands. I have been called to serve the community of the South Conway County School District for a purpose. It’s easy to maintain balance because serving as an educator is an integral part of who I am. You never stop being a teacher. I carry my faith, family, and friends with me wherever I go, along with my commitment and continual care for our learning community.

Who inspires you? Every day I am inspired by the faces of the children and young people in the South Conway County School District. Our professional staff members are also a daily inspiration. It is a blessing to see members of our team show love, service, and care to our students and their families.

What do you love about living in the 501? The 501 is filled with many kind and amazing people! I also love the natural beauty of the outdoors in Central Arkansas. Mostly, I love it because it is where I call home.