19 Mar 2011 (501) Make Me Over: ‘Big reveal’ planned in April
Friends and family will soon gather to celebrate the accomplishments of (501) Make Me Over winners Peggy Stone and Christina Hernandez.
The “big reveal” will take place in mid April at American Management Corp., where Peggy and Christina work.
Sponsored by 501 Advertising and Publishing, Peggy and Christina have enjoyed a makeover prize package valued up to $100,000. It has included a total smile makeover, weight loss and fitness program, nutrition counseling, skincare and nearly anything else needed for a complete makeover. In addition, the winners will receive a pedicure and manicure, clothing and accessories, flowers, a limo ride and dinner for two.
Contest sponsors include Dalton Designer Smiles, 24/7 Fitness, US Compounding, Elan, Hurley Chiropractic, Harrington & Co., Walk This Way, Premier Designs Jewelry, Ye Olde Daisy Shoppe, Celebration Limo and Oak Street Bistro.
Both women recently updated 501 LIFE on the experience:
What recent makeover activities have taken place?
Christina: “We have had some services from Cathy Rougeau at Advanced Facial Aesthetics. I absolutely love the work. She is so gentle and good at what she does and we have a lot of fun doing it. We have had some more makeup tips and skincare tips from Sharon Gray. She has taught me how to correctly apply my makeup.
“I have an appointment with Dr. Kyle Dalton and may be nearing the end of wearing the TMJ appliance. It has absolutely helped me with headaches, and he is lining up my bite. I will wear the braces a while longer. They have not hurt at all.
“Daneen Carson Hensiek at Elan has continued with our series of chemical peels. What a relaxing, inviting place she has. My skin feels so great. Her treatments along with the US CosmeCeuticals skincare program have really made my skin feel better.”
Peggy: “The Botox and filler have been the next experience we have had. It was amazing. I am not one for needles but Cathy was very good at keeping me calm and with no pain. I really am glad that I did it.”
What are your thoughts as the makeover experience nears the end?
Christina: “It is sad to see this about to end. I have been so spoiled through this process. I am so thankful for the relationships I have made along the way. It has been a lot of fun.
“I have learned to take time for myself and when I feel better, those around me feel better, too.”
Peggy: “With this makeover coming to an end it is almost bittersweet. It is bitter knowing that a lot of the luxuries will be gone but sweet knowing all the things I have learned I will still have to continue to become a better me. Eating better, exercising and just taking the time for me.”