Youth of the Month: Landon Boyer, Tripp Eggart, Haedyn Johnson and Dominick McCoy

By Mary Eggart

During the summer, students are given a much-needed break from the hustle and bustle of school life. This often comes with sleeping in, fun at the pool and summer vacations. But for four Morrilton High School football players, Tripp Eggart, Dominick McCoy, Haedyn Johnson and Landon Boyer, this past summer presented itself with a business opportunity, and EMJB Window and Power Washing was born. EMJB represents the first letters in the boys’ last names, and after a little bit of planning and the establishment of a Facebook page, the jobs started rolling in.

  Landon Boyer (from left), Tripp Eggart. Haedyn Johnson and Dominick McCoy. Photo by Mike Kemp.

Johnson and McCoy are credited for the initial idea, and, of course, social media served as the inspiration. Johnson had seen a TikTok video of another teen who had started a window-washing business. The two boys began contacting people they knew, and soon they had more houses than they could handle. They needed help, so they reached out to friends and fellow football players Tripp Eggart and Landon Boyer.

The boys soon established a daily routine. Every morning during the summer, the foursome had football practice. Some mornings they may have been there from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. After football, they would grab a bite to eat and then hit the pavement. The boys soon got accustomed to knocking on doors and giving estimates for their services. “Tripp became our salesman,” Johnson said. “He came up with a sales pitch, and we would go door to door through neighborhoods in Morrilton.” Not all responses were a “yes,” but the boys soon learned that this was a service many people appreciated, as it was something that, for many, had never been done to their homes and also a job most people didn’t want to do. Eventually, the word spread throughout Morrilton, and soon business was booming.

The boys value hard work and what results from persistence and dedication. All four are 4.0 juniors who are involved in multiple sports and activities at school. Three of the four have other part-time jobs in addition to the window washing business. When asked about his players and their new business, Morrilton High School Football Coach Cody McNabb said their ambition did not surprise him. “All four of them have a good work ethic. I knew they’d be successful in business—I just didn’t know it would be this soon.”

The boys agree that football, and sports in general, has taught them valuable life lessons that they plan to build on into adulthood. “Sports has taught me the importance and value of teamwork and what it means to be a good teammate,” Eggart said.

“Football has taught me a lot about sticking together and pushing through the hard times,” Johnson said. McCoy added, “And that nothing comes easy.” 

The teens admire Coach McNabb. “Coach Mac treats everyone the same, and he doesn’t baby anyone,” Boyer said. “He holds everyone accountable.” The four boys are excited about the upcoming football season and plan to keep the business going during the school year. 

Eggart is the son of Bill and Mary Eggart. In addition to football, he also is on the golf team and baseball team at MHS. Other than the window washing business, he has worked at Morrilton Family Dental throughout the summer. In his free time, Eggart enjoys hunting, fishing and playing golf. He plans on attending the University of Arkansas to obtain a business degree in finance and marketing.

McCoy is the son of Thomas and Brandi McCoy. He has been on the MHS football team since his freshman year and is also on the baseball team. Additionally, he works part-time for GC’s BBQ and Catering in Morrilton. He also enjoys playing pickleball and fishing. McCoy has aspirations of becoming an oral surgeon.

Johnson is the son of Jamie Johnson and Amanda Johnson. He has also been on the MHS football team since his freshman year. When he is not working with EMJB, he has a business that does landscaping work. Johnson enjoys hunting and fishing and is interested in becoming an engineer or doing something in the medical field.

Boyer is the son of Matt and Amanda Boyer. He has been on the MHS football team and golf team since his freshman year. Boyer enjoys playing golf, fishing and hunting in his free time. He plans on attending Arkansas Tech University to obtain a business degree in finance and analytics.

When asked what they were going to do with the money they have made this summer, all four boys agreed that there were basic necessities that needed funding, namely gas and food. But other than that, they hoped to be able to set some money back for the future as well, a future that, for all four boys, is sure to be very bright.