Woolly Hollow State Park plans 1800s Mountain Man Rendezvous

All ages are welcome to come and witness the rugged life of explorers and trappers in frontier Arkansas during the early 1800s during the “Mountain Man Rendezvous” planned Friday, April 20, through Sunday, April 22, at Woolly Hollow State Park near Greenbrier.

The event will feature re-enactors dressed in traditional period attire and camp in authentic lodges and tents.

Demonstrations include the crafts, games, and survival skills needed during the era of the fur trappers.

The rendezvous will begin at 10 a.m. and end at 6 p.m. each day. Visitors should meet at the historic Woolly Cabin at the park.

Admission is free. The park is located at 82 Woolly Hollow Road.

For more information and a program schedule, call 501.679.2098 or email woollyhollow@arkansas.com.