26 May 2016 Women’s shelter plans annual golf tournament
The Women’s Shelter of Central Arkansas will host a benefit golf tournament Friday, June 17, at Nutter’s Chapel Golf Club.
Registration and breakfast will start at 7:45 a.m., with tee off beginning at 8:30 a.m. The cost for the three-person scramble is $300 per team, with prizes awarded to those with the longest drive and closest to the pin. Lunch will also be available after the play.
Sponsors are also being sought. Sponsorship levels include:
Par – $200 – Name recognition on the sponsorship banner.
Birdie – $400 – Name recognition on the sponsorship banner and free registration of one team.
Eagle – $700 – Name recognition on the sponsorship banner, free registration of two teams.
Hole In One – $1,000 – Name recognition on the sponsorship banner, free registration of two teams and a sign on tee box of hole in one sponsorship.
The Women’s Shelter of Central Arkansas has been providing assistance to victims of family violence since 1995. Starting out as a volunteer information hotline, the shelter has grown into a 24/7 hotline and shelter, housing community members in need of safety. The shelter has grown to include a Sexual Assault Assistance/Recovery Program, support groups, transportation for clients and child advocacy programs.
The deadline to sign up for the benefit is Friday, June 10. For more information call Jill Enderlin at 501.269.3065 or Jan Clark at 501.730.2966.