23 Jan 2011 Winners discuss what they ‘love’
Contest sponsors include Dalton Designer Smiles, 24/7 Fitness, US Compounding, Elan, Hurley Chiropractic, Advanced Facial Aesthetics, Harrington & Co., Walk This Way, Premier Designs Jewelry, Ye Olde Daisy Shoppe, Celebration Limo and Oak Street Bistro.
Both women recently shared with 501 LIFE their thoughts on the experience:
How did it go over the holidays?
Christina: “The holidays went well. I took a few days off the program and then started right back up. That is what is neat about the program. You can start right back up and get on track.”
Peggy: “Holidays are hard but you just have to get right back at it. I have a goal I want to reach before the end of this wonderful journey and I have no doubt it can be done. I am getting closer to losing 30 pounds and to Size 14 pants! I was wearing 22 when this started.”
What have you loved the most about the makeover experience?
Christina: The best part of the makeover experience is the support I get from family, friends and co-workers. The people at American Management Corp. support us and encourage us daily. I love meeting all of the people involved in this process. They are all so sweet and of course, meeting the 501 ladies has been one of the greatest parts of the makeover process.
Peggy: “I LOVED the chemical peel at Elan. My face feels so good. And that was only after one treatment.
“I look forward to my workouts. And believe it or not I went to the gym one Friday night by myself! Never would I have done that before. I can’t really say that I love one thing more than the other because it has all been amazing. Everything I have experienced so far has been great. Everyone involved in this makeover has been so kind and generous.”
What has been the most difficult?
Christina: “The most difficult for me is not having my mom here to share this experience with me.
“The makeover itself is great. There is nothing too ‘difficult.’ At first I didn’t know if I could make it through the workouts but I have come to enjoy them and look forward to them.”
Peggy: “The most difficult would have to be starting the workouts and the food program. Old habits are hard to break and I had a lot of them. This opportunity has been amazing. Again, thanks so much for this chance to make a better me.”