01 Apr 2013 Windle honorary chair for Relay for Life event
The Conway/Perry Counties Relay for Life Committee is pleased to announce that Maddie Grace Windle will serve as the 2013 honorary youth chairperson for this year’s event.
Maddie is the 10-year-old daughter of Brad and Gina Windle of Perryville and is a fourth-grader at Anne Watson Elementary. In 2011, Maddie was diagnosed with Wilms’ Tumor, a rare kidney cancer that primarily affects children. At the time of her diagnosis, Maddie underwent surgery and her right kidney was removed. In July 2012, Maddie went in for a routine scan and doctors found a spot of concern. Since that time, Maddie has been receiving treatment. However, recent scans have been clear and her prognosis is very good due in part to improvements in the diagnosis and treatment of Wilms’ tumor and because of continued research.
Maddie loves animals, science and nature. She and her dad grow a big garden every year, and she always enters something in the fair. She has five dogs, four cats, a pony, a fish and two rabbits. When she finishes her treatment, she wants a hedgehog.
Her favorite moment would probably be when she met Si Robertson from "Duck Dynasty" – she loves the show.
Maddie has a curious nature and loves to do science experiments and read books about science and nature. She has a great sense of humor and loves to tell jokes.
This year’s campaign theme is “Relay Around the World.”
The community is invited to attend the Conway and Perry Counties Relay for Life event beginning at 7p.m. Friday, April 26, and continuing until Saturday, April 27, at the University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton.
The night will kick-off with the survivor dinner beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the UACCM Plaza. All survivors and one guest will be treated to smoked pork loin sandwiches and all the trimmings prepared by Farmers and Merchants Bank. During dinner, survivors will have the opportunity to participate in bingo where they will win Relay for Life prizes, as well as prizes that have been donated by area businesses.
At 7 p.m., the community-wide event night will kick off with the survivor lap. Many teams have already begun fundraising, but it is not too late for individuals to participate. Community members are encouraged to stay overnight, but this is not a requirement to participate.
Some of the upcoming team fundraising events in the area that support the cause include:
- Mayor Stewart Nelson has declared Friday, April 5, as “Beat Out Cancer” Day. The community is asked to help paint the town purple, the signature color for the American Cancer Society and Relay for Life. This initiative is led by the Crow Paving Team, which is also selling T-shirts in both youth and adult sizes. Call 501.354.6511 for more information.
- The Springfield United Methodist Church team will host a beans and cornbread supper (with sides, dessert and a drink) from 4 to 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 5, at the Lords Schoolhouse Community Building. The cost is $7 for adults, $3 for children ages 6-12, and kids 5 and under eat free.
- The Pleasant Springs Missionary Baptist Church ladies will hold a yard sale at 7 a.m. on Friday, April 5, and Saturday, April 6, off Highway 9 by the Birdtown grocery store. All proceeds go to Relay for Life.
- The Willard Bradley Family team will host a gospel concert at the Jerusalem Community Building at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, April 13. The cost is $5 and children 5 and under get in free. There will be a silent auction and concessions. Those performing include Stacy Willcutt of Hector and Common Ground of Oak Grove.
- The CC Kruzzers will be “Kruzzin for a Cure” with a car, truck and motorcycle show on Saturday, April 13, at the Downtown Church of Christ parking lot at 100 W. Church Street in Downtown Morrilton. The entry fee is $25 per car and 100 percent of fees go to Relay for Life. Registration is 8:30 a.m. until noon with a trophy presentation in several categories at 2 p.m. Food vendors will be onsite and the public is invited to attend. Call 501.977.5253 or 501.977.3239 for more information.
- The Petit Jean Extension Homemakers team is selling cookbooks. Call 501.727.5259 for more information.
- Luminaries are for sale for the Relay event. Stop by Adams Eye Care Clinic for more information or to purchase a luminary.
At the Relay event (7 p.m. Friday, April 26, to 7 a.m. Saturday, April 27):
- This year’s Relay will have a midnight 5K race! The event is sanctioned by the USA Track and Field. The cost to enter is $10 before Friday, April 19, and $15 after April 19. Entry forms can be found at C-4 and Northwestern Sporting Goods. Call 501.208.7514 for more information.
- The Petit Jean Extension Homemakers team will sell their cookbooks along with baked goods at the relay.
- The Pleasant Springs Missionary Baptist Church team will sell hamburgers and other concessions at the relay.
- The Morrilton Freewill Baptist Church team will have a horseshoe pit and games set up at their campsite.
For more information about the American Cancer Society Relay for Life or to make a donation, visit relayforlife.org/conway or contact Kristi Strain at 501.354.2552.