Veterans event in Searcy

Story and photos
by Megan Ledbetter

Darby’s Warrior Support (DWS) and the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) recently hosted a banquet at Harding University.

U.S. Army Ranger SFC (R) Michael Schlitz, a wounded war veteran and double amputee who suffered severe burns while clearing an area of bombs, was the keynote speaker. He shared his story and the importance of supporting veterans.

Schlitz entered the military right out of high school as a rebellious teenager, served as an instructor and was eventually sent into combat. He was injured when an underground explosion was set off underneath his vehicle. Other soldiers in his vehicle were killed instantly, but within 30 minutes of impact, Schlitz was in his first surgery. He spent a great deal of time in recovery.

Schlitz spoke of how physical injuries like his are often seen as the worst case, but he actually believes that the psychological injuries are more severe because they cannot be adapted in daily life. His closing phrase was, “You can be a hero. Rangers lead the way.”

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