24 Jun 2019 Unity Health Foundation presents Spirit of Unity Award

The Unity Health Foundation made a Spirit of Unity presentation to recognize Kim Seger, RN in the CCU at Unity Health – White County Medical Center.
A gift was donated in Seger’s name to the Unity Health Foundation by her supervisor, Jamie Nguyen, who donated to the Foundation for a couple who were unable to do so, but wrote a note for their appreciation.
“Kim has been a positive, upbeat and fun source during this time,” the couple said. “She is extremely knowledgeable, but also allows for light-hearted conversation to lighten the mood. She is deserving in every accolade within her reach. All staff has been wonderful and gone above and beyond. We are forever grateful for the care provided.”
The Spirit of Unity Award is a way for patients or family members of patients to show their gratitude by giving a gift in the employee’s honor to the Unity Health Foundation. These gifts go toward special projects and equipment upgrades that will help to ensure that Unity Health is here to care for patients and generations to come.
For more information about the Spirit of Unity or to honor a Unity Health associate, please call 501.278.3186 or visit unity-health.org/foundation.