08 Mar 2020 Unity Health CEO receives Spirit of Unity recognition

The Unity Health Foundation presented Unity Health President/CEO Steven Webb with the Spirit of Unity award on Feb. 24.
A gift to the Foundation was donated in Webb’s honor by Director of Volunteer Services Jamie Laughlin and her daughter, Hanah Laughlin, RN. He was recognized for the kindness and support shown to the family during Nathan Laughlin’s 21-month battle with cancer. Nathan (husband and father respectively) passed away in July 2019.
“When [Webb] took on the role as CEO at Unity Health, my husband was undergoing treatments for brain cancer,” Laughlin said. “My husband was truly touched when Mr. Webb came to see him when he was in the intensive care unit at [CHI] St. Vincent. He texted often to check on our family and let us know that he and his wife were praying for us.”
Unity Health Foundation Executive Director Cassandra Feltrop presented the award to Webb in a small gathering of hospital associates and administration.
“I am incredibly humbled to receive this recognition from Jamie, Hanah and the Foundation,” Webb said. “Part of our job is to take care of one another, and I want our people to be taken care of, not just at work.”
The Spirit of Unity Award is a way for patients, or family members of patients, to show their gratitude by giving a gift in an associate’s honor to the Unity Health Foundation. These gifts go toward special projects and equipment upgrades that will help to ensure that Unity Health is here to care for patients and generations to come.
For more information about Spirit of Unity awards or to honor a Unity Health associate, please call 501.278.3186 or visit unity-health.org/foundation.