18 Jan 2018 Unity caring for community
by Hannah K. Robison
When close-knit communities come together, we tend to find a common ground for why we love the small city life. Caring for others and creating opportunities are a few reasons why Unity Health loves where we are, in the heart of Searcy.
With many local organizations, Unity Health sponsors a number of events throughout the year, supports local businesses and civic clubs, and contributes to charitable efforts.
A Day of Caring
For more than 20 years, Unity Health has helped the underserved of White County through the largest annual medical mission, A Day of Caring. Held at the end of each summer, before the school year starts, hundreds of residents receive free medical screenings, dental and vision exams and prescriptions. Attendees also receive personal care items, food products, children’s socks and underwear, shoes, haircuts and school supplies. With more than 400 volunteers, this event provides a fulfilling opportunity for many to show they care for the community.
Unity Health Foundation
Also serving for more than 20 years, the Unity Health Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation, established as a charitable organization to provide support to Unity Heath. The Foundation is committed to medical excellence and compassionate care, and strives to improve the overall health of the entire Unity Health service area.
Gifts to the Unity Health Foundation provide the hospital with funds for renovations, state-of-the-art equipment and specialized projects to enhance patient care. Resources for the Foundation are obtained from donations, memorial gifts, planned gifts, special events and other sources. The Unity Health Foundation works to develop a lasting partnership with the community to preserve, sustain and develop Unity Health for years to come.
Here are a few places where Unity also loves to give back that correlate with its mission to help others physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually:
Searcy Certified Farmers’ Market
Through collaboration with Main Street Searcy, Unity Health sponsors the Searcy Certified Farmers’ Market, complete with fresh and seasonal produce, handmade items, meats, baked goods, flowers, herbs and spices and much more. The market operates to provide the community with healthy options and is open from May to November at the Courthouse Square in downtown Searcy.
Child Safety Center of White County
Upon the construction of a new facility for the Child Safety Center, Unity Health chose to sponsor a medical room within the center for medical examinations in a safe, inviting atmosphere. The center provides a haven for children in need due to abuse or neglect.
United Way of White County
Associates throughout the Unity Health System give back annually to United Way. The United Way of White County supports 16 local agencies, and this year, the hospital board graciously agreed to match every associate’s giving amount in 2017. United Way’s work is focused on helping residents through their three building blocks: education, income and health. Their goal is to address each of these areas and implement long-lasting changes to create a brighter future.
Jacob’s Place
Through donations, Unity Health helps Jacob’s Place Homeless Mission in Searcy. This organization provides temporary housing for homeless families and empowers them through financial, spiritual, emotional and job counseling during their stay.
Good Samaritan Center
This local food pantry provides residents of White County with food supplies, linens and personal care items. Members of the Unity Health Auxiliary collect items each month at their meetings and contribute to the pantry. Members of local churches and the community help to distribute items to those in need.
Unity Health strives to serve the community in various efforts, contributing physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually to the betterment of people and organizations. Unity is proud to support the 501 and share its love of giving back.