29 Feb 2020 UCA’s Reynolds plans Cirque Éloize show March 3

The University of Central Arkansas’s Reynolds Performance Hall will welcome back Cirque Éloize with their latest show, “Hotel,” at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 3.
Set in an art deco lobby, “Hotel” tells the story of a place and the travelers who pass through it — a stopover where lives intersect and collide for a brief time to generate tales and memories.
A cast of 12 characters, from a juggling janitor and a tightrope-walking bellhop to a mischievous maid and a devoted handyman with a dog, are the privileged witnesses to the lives of colorful individuals.
A pioneer in the arena of contemporary circus arts, Montreal-based Cirque Éloize has traveled to more than 550 cities to perform more than 5,500 times since their debut in 1993. The group is comprised of multidisciplinary artists that demonstrate circus talent through storytelling, music and dance.
“This cirque company has performed at Reynolds multiple times and has wowed our audience with their incredible acrobatics and breathtaking choreography,” said Amanda Horton, director of Reynolds Performance Hall. “The performance is set to live music with the musicians on the stage with the cirque performers. In fact, when they performed ‘Saloon’ in 2017, many of the cast members were multitalented as acrobats and musicians.”
Tickets are $30-$50 for adults and $10 for children and students. Tickets may be purchased at uca.edu/Reynolds, at the Reynolds Box Office from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, or by calling UCA Ticket Central at 501.450.3265 or toll-free at 866.810.0012.