27 Apr 2019 UCA recognizes students, faculty

University of Central Arkansas President Houston Davis recently honored a select group of students, faculty and nonprofit community partners at the inaugural Excellence in Teaching and Community Engagement Reception.
Hosted by UCA’s Service-Learning Program and the Center for Teaching Excellence, the event recognized 16 faculty who had completed extensive faculty development over the course of the year and eight faculty selected for participation in an intensive summer workshop on service-learning. Awards recognizing outstanding service-learning involvement were given to four students, one faculty member and one nonprofit community partner.
Cristine Busser, Denise Demers, Adriian Gardner, Ron Novy, Carl Olds, Vicki Parish and Jen Talbot received awards for Recognition in Teaching First-Year Students. Monica Lieblong, Sandra Nadelson, Towino Paramby and Ashley Phillips were recognized for Achievement in Teaching, Pedagogy Track. Jaimi Allen, Stacey Loyless, Lisa McCoy, Anita Sego and Amy Thompson were recognized for Achievement in Teaching, Online Track.
Alejandro Gonzalez Landeros, assistant professor of Spanish, received the Peter J. Mehl Service-Learning Faculty of the Year Award. Cristine Busser, Kathryn Carroll, Clayton Crockett, TK Gault, Monica Lieblong, Amanda Martin, Ashley Phillips and Alana Reid were named service-learning faculty fellows for 2019-2020.
Chelsey Iglesia, Carly Williams, Brittney Richardson and Michalli Tencleve received awards for outstanding service-learning students.
Lynita Langley-Ware, executive director of the Faulkner County Museum, received the Community Partner of the Year Award. “I’m truly honored to receive this award,” said Langley-Ware. “Our mission is to educate the public, and I believe that our work in the service-learning arena falls squarely within our mission. Not only are we teaching the public about the history of Faulkner County, but we are also teaching students valuable skills they will take to their workplaces while we do it!”
UCA Associate Provost Kurt Boniecki also made a special presentation honoring Patty Phelps, the first director of the Center for Teaching Excellence, for her retirement. Amy Hawkins, current director, shared, “Honoring her career-long commitment to teaching excellence reminded us all of why we invest in our professional growth on behalf of our students.”
The Service-Learning Program is part of the Division of Outreach and Community Engagement at UCA, and the Center for Teaching Excellence is part of the Division of Academic Affairs. For more information, visit uca.edu/servicelearning and uca.edu/cte.