26 May 2014 UCA Greek Village groundbreaking
The University of Central Arkansas recently hosted a ground-breaking ceremony for the UCA Greek Village.
In the fall, the UCA Board of Trustees approved a $13.8-million bond issue to finance the first phase of the UCA Greek Village.
Work will begin soon on five two-story, 10,400-square-feet sorority houses on the north side of campus as well as the first wing of the Greek community center housing four meeting rooms for NPHC sororities.
About 400 attended the groundbreaking, held on the northeast corner of campus near the intersection of Donaghey and College avenues.
Among those speaking during the ceremony were Ronnie Williams, vice president for Student Services and Institutional Diversity; UCA board chairman Kay Hinkle; Gabrielle Lee, National Pan-Hellenic Council vice president; Jordan Frederking, Panhellenic Council president; and UCA President Tom Courtway.
The five houses are expected to be completed in 2015, and they collectively should house more than 160 students. Alpha Sigma Alpha, Delta Zeta, Sigma Kappa, Alpha Sigma Tau and Sigma Sigma Sigma sororities will occupy the houses. The Greek community center will hold meeting rooms for Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Zeta Phi Beta and Sigma Gamma Rho sororities.