21 Apr 2018 Tourism association presents awards during annual banquet
The Arkansas River Valley Tri-Peaks Tourism Association recently held its Annual Membership Awards Celebration and Banquet at the Morrilton Area Chamber of Commerce in Morrilton. The event was sponsored by Petit Jean Meats, Wiederkerh Winery and Post Winery.
Sarah Crosswell of Main Street Morrilton served as the keynote speaker during the presentation. County tourism awards and the Charlie Johnson Award were presented:
- Conway County – Stephanie Lipsmeyer
- Johnson County – Deputy Sonny Smith Memorial Bass Fishing Tournament (John Williams accepting on behalf)
- Logan County – Becky Bariola, Mount Magazine (Tonya Baumgartner accepting)
- Perry County – City of Perryville (City Councilman Brian Hill)
- Pope County – Betsy McGuire, Main Street Russellville
- Yell County – Citizens of Dardanelle (Mike Kaisor accepting)
Charlie Johnson Award: RussVegas Half Marathon (Chris Olsen accepting)
For more information, please stop by the Arkansas River Valley Tri-Peaks Tourism Association office inside the Russellville Chamber of
Commerce or contact the Tri-Peaks Regional Director Liz Van Dalsem at 501.354.9743.