09 Sep 2024 Tinkerfest at Museum of Discovery set for Sept. 14
LITTLE ROCK – The Museum of Discovery will present its 13th annual Tinkerfest, a one-day festival that brings together makers, artists, engineers and crafters from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, September 14, inside and outside the museum.

Thanks to our presenting sponsor, Kiewit-Massman Construction, guests can explore a range of activities, including creating machines with raw materials, exploring art, and engaging in numerous crafting and building options.
More than 50 activities are planned, including:
· Ballapalooza
· Rope Making
· Car Take-Aparts
· Drone Demonstrations
· Raingutter Regatta
· Metal Engraving
Additionally, Museum of Discovery is partnering with Scott Family Amazeum in Bentonville, Ark.; Discovery Lab in Tulsa, Okla.; and Science Museum of Oklahoma in Oklahoma City, Okla., to promote each institution’s Tinkerfest event, all being hosted one Saturday in September, with a Tinkerfest passport. Each organization will have a “book binding” station for guests to create their own event passport and get them stamped at each Tinkerfest they attend. Dates and information about each event are available at www.tinkerfest.org.
“Tinkering serves our mission perfectly as it encourages exploration and engineering,” says Museum of Discovery CEO Kelley Bass. “It’s incredible to see toddlers, grandparents and all ages in between problem-solving and innovating together.”

Tinkerfest activities are included in the museum’s regular admission: $12 for adults, $10 for children 1-12 and free for infants younger than 1.
Seniors, teachers, Little Rock city employees and active and retired military are admitted for $10.
SNAP recipients plus an additional five people in their party are admitted for $2 each.
In addition to Kiewit-Massman, the event is sponsored by Delta Dental, as well as Baldwin & Shell; Galley Support Innovations; Southwest Power Pool; Dassault Falcon Jet; Entergy Arkansas; Garver; Associated General Contractors of Arkansas; Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences and the Arts; Mr. Plastic; Women’s Transportation Seminar and Taylor & Taylor Law Firm.
For more information about Tinkerfest, visit museumofdiscovery.org.