Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

by Brenda McClain

2017 brings fresh opportunities. Are you ready?

What is your dream? Your focus?

How do you spend your time?

We all need hopes and dreams to enhance our lives. Are we prepared for our dreams to come true? Is there a plan? If we don’t have a plan, we aren’t really serious.

Recently, restructuring my own dreams and hopes was necessary. Dreams needed an adjustment, and so did my brain.

Fueled by parents with a sometimes disproportionate view of my abilities; thankfully I believed them. Usually there is such a party of ideas and thoughts going on in my head that it’s hard to shut off. (Thanks, Trey Price.)

A perfect time for vacation, for three days I did nothing. Initially embarrassed to actually do nothing, it was the second day that gratitude stepped in. Renewed and refreshed, almost like a different person emerged. So very grateful for that time, new energies and new eyes.

My dreams and hopes for 2017 are set. Three goals. This time, keeping them to myself, on a trajectory to accomplish these goals; focused on what needs to be done every single day.

What about you? What are your hopes for this year? Your dreams?  

Every morning, every evening we must give time to our dreams, hopes and the plans we execute. If they are important, keep them in your face. Don’t allow yourself to forget any part of your plan.

Also for me: talking to God endlessly is essential. I cannot do anything without Him. He is my Partner in any achievements this year.

So? This. Just this. My wish for you is a life renewed, refreshed. Do not waste one moment.

Visit brendamcclain.com, and if you are so inclined, tell us how your plans are developing in this new year.