30 Oct 2010 This much I know is true
Here is what experience has taught me:
Weight loss is never easy. It takes hard work and total tenacity.
The more money you spend does not guarantee successful weight loss.
There are no magic foods or supplements.
What works for someone else may not work for you.
The faster you lose weight, the faster you will gain it back.
The slower you lose weight, the better it will stay off.
Whatever you do to lose the weight, you have to do it forever. If you can’t do it forever – don’t bother.
You don’t have to lose a lot of weight to be healthier.
It’s not possible to lose weight if you eat out often.
You should never eat too few calories. Let a registered dietitian determine the calories that are appropriate for you.
Most people cannot lose weight by exercise only. You must also look to your diet.
Cardio exercise and weight training is vital to keeping the weight off.
Your goal weight must be realistic.
You must look carefully at portion sizes and calories. Don’t trust your eye. Measure those portions.
People who keep accurate food records lose twice as much weight as people who don’t keep food records.
You need a healthy balance of carbs (45-60 percent), protein (15-20 percent) and fat (25-30 percent). A diet that is too low in carbohydrates is not health supporting.
Timing is just as important as calories. Don’t bunch up your calories in the evening.
You’ve heard it many times – eat breakfast!
Quality sleep and stress management are just as important as diet and exercise.
Work on self esteem. You won’t make healthy choices if you don’t respect and care about yourself.