The T.U.R.K.E.Y. Program

by Karl Lenser

“The secret of success is constancy to purpose.” – Benjamin Disraeli

The holiday season is almost here, so I thought this “TURKEY PROGRAM” would be applicable. This time of year presents some hurdles or obstacles for those who are already fit and also for those who are just beginning an exercise program.

The key is to enjoy the holiday season and not be so overcome with your weight or exercise plan that you lose track of what this season is about — giving thanks for all that you have been blessed with such as family, friends, a job, a home, car and your mental, spiritual and physical health and well-being. Thanksgiving is ThanksLIVING 24/7. Take and make the time to reflect on what you have and what you have been given.

TAKE THE TIME to review what has happened to you in 2012 and to say “thank you” to the special people that have made a positive impact on you. Take the time to continue your current exercise program. Don’t let the busy holiday season deter you from keeping up on your program. Be flexible with your schedule and plan your workouts ahead of time.

UNDERSTAND the holidays are meant to be enjoyed with family and friends. However, you also need to understand that the “average” (we can’t afford to be average anymore) Americans will gain around six pounds between Thanksgiving and Jan. 1. Calorically speaking, that is an additional 21,000 calories. That is calorically the equivalent of running six marathons or consuming 840 Hershey kisses. Lesson: Keep moving during the holiday period.

RELAX AND RECREATE during the holidays. You can enjoy grandma’s special pies and cookies, but you would find them more enjoyable if you went for a walk or run in the morning. Watching the Cowboys (I prefer the Packers, sorry) on Thanksgiving is a tradition, as are the leftovers that are served at game time. The fit folks will be able to enjoy the treats with perhaps a little less “guilt” than others. Getting the workout done early in the day makes the day complete. You can have your cake . . . and workout, too!

KEEP TRACK of your workouts during the holiday. No vacations from fitness are allowed if you are serious about maintaining your routine. Recording your activity is a great morale booster and motivator. It is a simple tool of positive feedback that reinforces the “I did something positive for myself today” mentality.

EVERY DAY and every workout matters! No matter how small of a workout that you can squeeze in, it helps! Take advantage of your free time during this season. MAKE TIME to “get it done” and stay on track. You may have to bend on the intensity and frequency of the workouts, but just don’t break! Once you get out of the routine, it can be very difficult to get back on the fitness bandwagon.

YOU CAN CHOOSE to make this holiday season as healthy or unhealthy as you wish. It boils down to your priorities, motivation and discipline. We make choices on what we do with our bodies (move it or be sedentary) and our food consumption.

Enjoy this season and have a Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas.

“Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work.” – H.L. Hunt