The know-it-all

by Marilyn Mathis


One who thinks he/she knows all the answers; one who conceitedly assumes a knowledge he/she does not really possess.

To know thoroughly.

To be fully informed, resourceful and intelligent.

Most often used in the negative.

To be called a “know-it-all” is not a compliment. This title is definitely negative, not positive. Unless it is used of God! He is the one and only “KNOW-IT-ALL!”

A.W. Tozer, author of The Knowledge of the Holy, wrote “to say that God is omniscient is to say that He possesses perfect knowledge and therefore has no need to learn. But it is more: it is to say that God has never learned and cannot learn.” Tozer’s words are based on the words of the prophet Isaiah, who said, “Who has directed the Spirit of the LORD, or as His counselor has informed Him? With whom did He consult and who gave Him understanding? And taught Him in the path of justice and taught Him knowledge, and informed Him of the way of understanding” (Isaiah 40:13-14).

The answer? No one! God does not need to consult anyone for knowledge or understanding. He is omniscient! Omniscient is derived from two Latin words that mean “ALL KNOWING.” It is a theological term that refers to God’s superior knowledge and wisdom; His power to know all things. Many Scriptures teach the omniscience of God.

“For the LORD is a God of knowledge” (1 Samuel 2:3).

“His understanding is infinite” (Psalm 147:5).

“God . . . knows all things” (1 John 3:20).

“Lord, you know all things” (John 21:17).

Paul writes in Romans 11:33, “How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out.” Though we will never “know it all” about our God, He knows everything about us. What does Scripture say He knows about you and me?

Our weariness and our weakness: “He is mindful that we are but dust” (Psalm 103:14). Do you ever get tired of the daily grind? Of the constant battle with doing what is right? Do you ever want to quit? Your life IS NOT a bed of roses, and you are weary of responsibilities and the expectations of others? God knows! Isaiah 40:28-31 tells us that “God does not become weary or tired . . . and those who wait on Him will renew their strength . . . they will run and not be tired, they will walk and not be weary.”

Praise Him! He never grows weary of us and promises to fill us up with a new supply of strength as we wait on Him.

Your thoughts: (Ezekiel 11:5) God knows what you are thinking. He is able to “judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12). Are your thoughts pleasing to Him? Are you “taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ?” (2 Corinthians 10:5)

The way I take: (Job 23:10) Way means “to tread, to walk, a road, the course of life, and journey.” God knows the course of your life. He has a purpose and plan for each of us. He will guide us and provide for us on our journey. Are you walking His road for you?

Our sufferings: (Exodus 3:7) I love the old song that says, “Nobody knows the trouble I see, nobody knows but Jesus.” He knows our pain and the storms of our life. He is able to quiet the storm and give us peace in it. Are you troubled? In pain? In need of a deliverer? He knows and is always ready to help. “Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). Your trouble matters to Him.

His own sheep by name: (John 10:3,14,27) Own means “belonging to; have possession of; be the owner of.” Do you belong to Him? Are you one of His sheep? Is He your Shepherd? Name refers to a personal relationship. He knows you by name. You are not one of a bunch. With God, you will never be lost in a crowd. Do you have a personal relationship with Him? Does He know your name? Or will He say to you one day, “Depart from Me, I never knew you?” (Matthew 7:23)

“The key to success is to never stop learning. The key to failure is to think you know it all.” — Unknown

God doesn’t have anything to learn. He knows it all! But we must never stop learning. The Bible has so much more to teach us concerning our God and what He knows. 


A Conway resident, Marilyn Mathis is a wife, mother, Nana and teaching leader for First Wednesday Lunch Break. Readers can reach her at [email protected].