27 Feb 2017 The Doo Wop Project plans March 4 performance at UCA
by Deshaud Kelley
College of Fine Arts and Communication Media Office
The Doo Wop Project, a five-man vocal group comprising Broadway stars and backed by a live band, will perform at Reynolds Performance Hall at the University of Central Arkansas at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 4.
The group features stars of such smash Broadway hits as “Jersey Boys” and “Motown: The Musical”: Dominic Nolfi, Charl Brown, Russell Fischer, Dominic Scaglione Jr. and Dwayne Cooper.
According to thedoowopproject.com, “The Doo Wop Project begins at the beginning, tracing the evolution of Doo Wop from the classic sound of five guys singing tight harmonies on a street corner to the biggest hits on the radio today. Throughout the show, DWP takes audiences on a journey from foundational tunes of groups like the Crests, Belmonts and Flamingos through their influences on the sounds of Smokey Robinson, the Temptations and the Four Seasons, all the way to Michael Jackson, Jason Mraz and Amy Winehouse.”
Amanda Horton, director of Reynolds, and Julia Dossett Morgan, director of marketing and finance, saw the group in New York last year.
“We were so blown away by their high-energy performance and their amazing voices that we just had to bring them to Conway for our audience,” said Dossett Morgan. “We’ve been counting down the days until we get to experience their show again."
Tickets range from $30-$40 for the general public and $10 for children. UCA students are free with valid student I.D. Call UCA Ticket Central at 501.450.3265 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, or toll free from anywhere in Arkansas at 1.866.810.0012 or visit uca.edu/reynolds.
For addition information, contact Horton at 501.450.3682, [email protected] or Dossett Morgan at 501.852.7889 or [email protected].