20 Apr 2014 Strategies for non-hungry eating
by Kellie Dye
Do you ever eat when you are not the least bit hungry? Of course you do; we all do.
We eat out of boredom or procrastination. We eat when we are stressed, angry, overwhelmed, exhausted or lonely. We eat when we celebrate, when we mourn, when we worship, when we drive, when we work and when we study. There is no end to the list of how and why we eat when we are not truly, physiologically hungry.
Many times people have asked me, “What low calorie food can I eat when I’m not really hungry but have the munchies?” They usually expect the answer of diet gelatin or raw vegetables. My actual answer is NOTHING. It is important to break the habit of eating when you are not truly hungry. Reaching for food for reasons other than hunger turns into a difficult habit to break.
Before you reach for food without being hungry, ask yourself the following questions: Am I physically hungry?
Is there something that I am putting off doing? Is there something or a feeling that I am avoiding? Is food what I really need?
What is it that I really need? As you ponder these questions, it is important to note that choosing to eat when you are not hungry will never make you feel better in the long run.
After you have contemplated the questions, hopefully some time has passed and the desire to eat dissipates. If not, here is a list of things you could do in place of eating:
Brush and floss your teeth.
Drink a large glass of water.
Clean out a drawer or cabinet.
Go for a walk or walk a flight of stairs.
Call a friend.
Lift weights.
Make a to-do list for the week.
Walk the dog.
Wash the car.
Clean some windows.
Find some clothes or other items to donate.
Write to a friend.
Discover new music.
Weed the garden.
Find a healthy recipe online for a meal tomorrow.
Research your next vacation.
Take a hot bath.
Balance your checkbook.
File your nails.
Clean out and organize your email inbox.
Organize your spice cabinet.
Research and make a list of books you would like to read.
Start keeping a food and mood journal.
Kellie Dye, a registered and licensed dietitian, is the wellness coordinator at the Conway Regional Health and Fitness Center. Send your diet and nutrition questions to Kellie at [email protected]. Frequently asked and pertinent questions will be addressed in future articles in 501 LIFE.