12 Aug 2024 St. Joseph School Bazaar announces raffle winners
The 112th Annual St. Joseph School Bazaar was August 2-3. Proceeds have benefitted the school since the bazaar’s inception when the School Sisters of Notre Dame, who taught in Conway from 1898 until 1980, began selling handicrafts they had made to help pay for school supplies.

Besides offering homemade box lunches and midway games, several raffle drawings were held.

The Grand Prize was a 2024 Polaris Ranger 1000 utility vehicle, including a 14-foot tandem trailer, both of which were made available through C2 Powersports. They were won by Tyler Bacon. Alan White won the 2nd Prize of a $1,000 gift certificate from Total Tire. The 3rd Prize was a Blackstone Grill from Hiegel Supply along with a $200 gift card from Bell Urban Farm grocery store. Linzy Worm’s name was drawn for those items.

Other drawings were held along the bazaar’s Raffle Row. The top prize among them was $5,000 cash that went to Jeanette Strack.

“The St. Joseph School Bazaar is a long-standing tradition,” Principal Dr. Matthew Tucker said. “It’s an important fundraising event that assists with reducing the cost of tuition for all SJS families. It takes months of planning and volunteerism. We’re thankful to the Bazaar Central Committee, school alumni, family members, friends and sponsors who made this year’s event a memorable one.”