07 Dec 2020 Send grandparents a hug via the mail
By Meagan Lowry
I think we can all agree that everything about 2020 has felt foreign. This holiday season, we must find new ways to celebrate. As a mom of a toddler who has family out of state, I’ve felt a sense of scrambling as Christmas approaches.
While I want to protect those nearest and dearest to me, the holidays wouldn’t be the same if we couldn’t gather to celebrate. Especially after spending the year with my mom battling breast cancer, it makes the time together even more treasured. I’m sure a lot of you feel the same way right about now because we’re torn between honoring social distancing guidelines and trying to find the sweet spot of still being together.

The joy of the holiday season is tied directly to the family for so many of us. As you read this, I hope you know that whatever you decide for your family is your choice. This year has been hard enough without fearing the judgment of whatever you decide from others. One way we’ve decided to keep the magic of the holidays alive is to treat them as normally as we can. Sure, we will continue to respect the guidelines set before us, even if that means gathering with family outside and enjoying six feet of separation while together. We’re all about doing whatever it takes to keep each other safe, but also want to feel a little normalcy towards the end of 2020.
I thought one way that the holidays could remain special is by utilizing an “old-time tradition” of sending cards and homemade gifts through the mail. One thing we’ve learned during 2020 is to be creative when it comes to connecting. And I can vouch that my four-year-old daughter thinks there is nothing cooler than sending and receiving mail. There is just something so special about that, and it’s a tradition that I hope to keep alive for years to come.
One of my family’s favorite things to receive by mail is a hug! I know that sounds crazy, but it’s honestly so simple! Layout a roll of paper on the ground and have your child lay on top of it with their arms spread wide open. You trace your child’s outline and then have them get creative as they color themselves! If there is one thing I know about this year, it’s that we should take the time we’ve been given and make the most of it. Don’t let the heaviness of disappointment weigh on you this season! Let’s join together and make the most of the holidays!