21 May 2012 Sacred Heart students support Heifer International
At the beginning of the school year, Heather Zinser’s fourth grade class began collecting money for a Heifer Project International program called Connecting Small Family Farms to the Market. The students set a goal of $150 – and they exceeded it!
Once the money was collected, Mrs. Zinser projected the online Heifer catalog on her smartboard; the students compared the animals and voted to purchase a goat and a flock of ducks.
According to the Heifer website, “The gift of a dairy goat can supply a family with up to several quarts of nutritious milk a day. Extra milk can be sold or used to make cheese, butter or yogurt. Ducks add protein to a project partner’s diet from eating eggs, money in their pockets from selling eggs and ducks, and better crops in the fields, as ducks remove weeds and bugs and add fertilizer.”
These animals will provide families with a better future for themselves and for their communities.
“The Heifer Project is an awesome organization and I am so proud of my students for being so enthusiastic in wanting to help a family and to change their lives for the better,” said Mrs. Zinser.
To raise the funds, students contributed their allowances or worked special projects such as selling bracelets.
Student Madison Harper was a big part of the project. She asked for donations from her grandparents and sold bracelets and hair clips that she made with her mom. "I am happy that our class was able to help people who do not have a lot of money and I’m happy my teacher, Mrs. Zinser, thought of this project for us to do throughout the year," said Madison.