19 Sep 2010 Rockefeller Institute Cooking Classes
The Saturday Chef’s Series now features two half-day classes per day on two Saturdays a month. The Rockefeller Institute decided to expand the offerings each month because in previous years, the entire series sold out shortly after it was announced. The new format provides recreational cooks with more opportunities to participate in the workshops.
Class I, the morning session, will begin at 9:30 a.m. and will end at 12:30 p.m. Class II, the afternoon session, will take place from 2-5 p.m. While these half-day classes will have the same theme each month, they will focus on a different aspect of the theme. Both classes will be repeated on another Saturday in that month.
An additional change to the Saturday Chef’s Series is that a different professional chef will teach the classes each month rather than the same chef teaching all classes in the series. Classes and instructors for the series are as follows
- Soup Du Jour featuring Chef Jason Neidhardt of Boulevard Bread Company – Jan. 8 and Jan. 22
- Dinner Times Two featuring chefs from Winthrop Rockefeller Institute’s River Rock Grill – Feb. 5 and Feb. 19
- Rolling in the Dough featuring Chef Sonia Schaefer of Boulevard Bread Company – March 5 and March 12
Space is limited, and participation requires advance registration. Registration is available online atLiveTheLegacy.org or by calling 501-727-5435. Each half-day class in the Saturday Chef’s Series is $69, which includes the cost of food items prepared in class. For those interested in taking both the morning class and the afternoon class on the same day, the cost is $125. Participants must register by phone to receive the same-day discount or package deals. Packages include overnight lodging at the Rockefeller Institute’s Lodge and Conference Center.
To learn more, call 501.727.5435, visit the website at LiveTheLegacy.org.