27 Aug 2017 Rock and roll family makes room for one more
by Donna Benton
Makenzie Evans photos
Cub Copeland roams the house like a little lion traipsing about his domain, giving life to his favorite “dinosaurus” with a prehistoric “roar!” He is the quintessential baby – cool, sporting tiny black skinny jeans with a hipster-style cuff and topped with a blond swath of punked up hair. It’s a look that Cub’s mom, Sarah, is quick to blame on his dad. Cub’s dad is Boots Copeland, co-founder and front man for one of the area’s hottest new bands, Knox Hamilton, so little Cub has rock and roll roots. The band has just wrapped up a North American tour and Boots is home, hanging out with Cub. On the road, Boots and the band perform for thousands of cheering fans, but around home, Cub is the star of the show.
Little Cub has been king of the jungle for nearly two years, but that is about to change. He’s got a little sister that should arrive any day, and it will surely upset the balance of attention in the Copeland house. Cub and his parents have been preparing for the arrival of this little sis, and they have created the perfect space for her to call home.
The Copelands live in the Park Hill district of North Little Rock, in the same neighborhood where Sarah grew up. “It’s a family-friendly, historic area with some of the most beautiful homes in NLR, with tall pecan and oak trees shading the streets,” said Boots. “There are so many enchanting homes on our street alone, we’re lucky to have an area so nice for evening strolls and to live a two-minute walk from Cub’s favorite park.”
The Copeland home is a cool and funky mix of modern and vintage. Sarah has a great eye for eclectic and unique furniture and accessories that work together in a wonderful way. “I pull inspiration from many places,” said Sarah. “Whether it is accounts that I stalk on Instagram, my go-to magazines on our date night trips to Barnes and Noble, or even a movie or show we’re watching at the time.”
Boots said that Sarah’s creativity in design at home is just an extension of their work to develop the band. “I think the creative parts of our brains are always kind of spinning and it’s probably impossible to keep the two things separate when it comes to design.” Sarah chose a painted vintage dresser to serve as a changing table in Cub’s room. A framed bear cub hangs over the dresser and helps keeps a watchful eye on Cub. Narrow book shelf ledges hold a library of favorite books. Sarah often shops with her mother while Boots is on the road, and her favorite furniture pieces are those that she and her mother discovered together.
Cub and his family have gotten the new nursery ready in anticipation of the upcoming arrival. More vintage painted pieces give the room a happy blast of color and a wall of mint green floral wall paper takes it right on over the top.
Boots is home for a while, waiting on the new baby. He says that balancing band and family life is all about having the right partner. “She keeps it all together,” said Boots. “Without her support, it would be a struggle in many ways. Our partnership is the only thing that keeps this going for me. She is our family’s engine.” Boots notes that most of the band’s songs are about her. Before long, he will have another little gal to write songs about.
Update: Little Poppy Belle has arrived and it turns out that, with Cub’s help, there is enough attention for everyone.
Donna Benton is a maker of customr home furnishings and specializes in classic painted finishes for antique and vintage furniture. You can see her work at WaterHouseMarket.com.