13 Dec 2021 Ribbon cutting for new playground today in North Little Rock
The North Little Rock Parks and Recreation Department will open a new accessible playground at 10:30 a.m. today at Laman Plaza. The Opening Ceremony and Ribbon Cutting will take place at 2801 Orange Street, between the NLR Community Center and the William F. Laman Library.

The new accessible playground has been built on the footprint of the old water fountain. It will improve access to play for children with disabilities and 200+ children and teens from local, low-income neighborhoods who use the library as a community center. This universally designed play space can accommodate 269 children at a time.
Renovations to the Plaza provide the library and the NLR Parks and Recreation Department more space to deliver safe community programs.

“We envision Laman Plaza as a destination for families by continuing to build our community across economic barriers and abilities,” said Shara Brazear, Director of Communications for the City of NLR. “Families of all demographics can spend the day in North Little Rock going between the library and the park/playground for free.
Accessible parking and entrances to the Plaza are available from parking lots on the east and west side of the library. Accessible bathrooms are available in the library.