15 Jul 2019 Renewal Ranch plans special event
Noted evangelist Carroll Roberson will present a special program of music and ministry during a special event at Renewal Ranch.
The event is planned at 6 p.m. Friday, Aug. 30, in the Restoration Center on the Renewal Ranch campus in Perry County.
Renewal Ranch is a 12-month faith-based and Christ-centered program for men ages 21 and older who are struggling with substance abuse issues. There are two phases, each six months. During this time, residents are given the opportunity to develop a personal love relationship with Jesus Christ. Through this relationship, they can find freedom from the chains of addiction, forgiveness from their past, and hope for their future.
Born and raised in rural Mississippi, Carroll has recorded more than 50 musical albums in 30 years, with 41 albums now available. He has written more than 300 songs and authored eight books. His wife, Donna, has also recorded several musical projects with Carroll plus her own solo album.

Through revivals, crusades and concerts as well as pilgrimages to Israel, Carroll keeps a very busy schedule.
Carroll surrendered his life to Christ in 1983. A year later, he was diagnosed with a cancerous growth on his throat. With no promise that he would be able to talk, Carroll underwent surgery and was able to sing again within three weeks.
Shortly after, Carroll surrendered to full-time ministry. After pastoring a church for two years, he felt the call to evangelism. Carroll Roberson Ministries, a nonprofit organization, was created in 1988.
Carroll is typically more recognized for his singing, but his real passion is the Bible. Through hosting many trips to Israel over the years, in-depth Hebraic studies and walking with Christ, his insight into the scriptures has helped countless people all over the globe.
Carroll Roberson Ministries is multi-faceted. For the last 12 years, Carroll and Donna have hosted a 30-minute television program titled “This is Carroll Roberson,” which airs nationwide on CTN, VTN and soon on NRB. The program is a combination of Christ-centered music and Bible teaching.
A resident of Ripley, Miss., Carroll is a member of Shady Grove Baptist Church and has been a longtime vocational evangelist of the Southern Baptist Convention. Carroll and Donna have two sons and four grandchildren.
Tickets for the event at Renewal Ranch, which includes a meal, are $250 for a table of eight or $50 each. Space is limited. For more information and to purchase tickets, contact Bryce McGhee at 501.733.4263 or [email protected].