15 Feb 2016 Renewal Ranch plans anniversary celebration
by Sonja J. Keith
Renewal Ranch will celebrate five years of broken lives healed through Christ at its anniversary celebration 10 a.m. Saturday, March 5.
The event will be held at Family Life Bible Church at 150 Hogan Lane in Conway. Tickets are $15 and include a meal catered by The Fish House.
“We’re celebrating what the Lord has done in the ministry,” said Renewal Ranch Executive Director James Loy.
On Jan. 31, 2011, Renewal Ranch opened in Perry County with eight men.
RR has had 144 Phase 1 and 47 Phase 2 graduates since it started. According to Loy, two out of three graduates remain sober and drug-free after leaving the Ranch.
Last year, the program worked with up to 70 men and their families, even though the Ranch only has 29 beds. The need is so great that men sleep on the floor, on cots and couches.
A capital campaign is under way to fund construction of a restoration center, which will include chapel and office spaces, classrooms, additional bed space and a dining facility. “We’ve had over 100 applicants the first few weeks of this year,” Loy said. “The needs are incredible.”
Loy expressed his appreciation to local pastors, churches and businesses for their support. “The body of Christ makes Renewal Ranch possible.”
The anniversary celebration will include speakers Rev. Don Chandler of Central Baptist Church and board member Jayme Mayo. There will also be special music by the Dooley Family.
“God is still in the business of miracles,” Loy said. “We have so much to be thankful for. If God is in it, he’s going to provide for it.”
Renewal Ranch will also host its second Renewal Ranch Rally for Recovery on Saturday, May 21, at the Conway Expo Center and Fairgrounds.
For more information or to purchase tickets, visit therenewalranch.org.