21 Apr 2015 Registration open for Toad Suck Challenge
Arvest Bank, Crafton Tull Inc. and the Crain Automotive Team are again sponsoring a competition during the annual Toad Suck Daze Festival to be held in Downtown Conway on Friday, May 1, through Sunday, May 3.
The event is an athletic competition where teams and individuals will compete for prizes and trophies on an inflatable obstacle course. The Toad Suck Challenge competition will make the event even more exciting by featuring categories where local media personalities, schools and non-profits can compete for trophies. There will also be two open categories with two $2,500 cash prizes.
Lori Melton, Arvest central Arkansas vice president of business development, said, “We’re thrilled to bring back this fun and challenging event during Toad Suck Daze. We had a great turnout last year and have made some changes to make it even better.”
The event will be a timed speed competition with multiple categories and divisions and approximately $10,000 in prizes as follows:
• Individual Media Division– State and local media personalities will compete for a trophy at a specified event time. The fastest time in this category will win. Contestants in this category will register one hour prior to their designated event time at the event location.
• Team Non- Profit Division– A team of four designated individuals, with at least one being female, from Central Arkansas non-profits will compete at a specified time. The organization with the fastest time will win $1,000 for their non-profit agency. Organizations will need to register for this event at Arvest Bank, 2590 North Donaghey, Conway by May 1.
• Team Corporate – Teams of four employees, with at least one being female, from Central Arkansas businesses will compete for a trophy at a specified event time. Organizations will need to register for this event at Arvest Bank, 2590 North Donaghey, Conway, by May 1.
• Daze Dash Division – Female – this is an open competition where individuals will compete for $2,500. To compete in this division, contestants must register online at toadsuckchallenge.com or by calling 501.513.4544. One hundred names will be drawn to compete in a preliminary race on Saturday, May 2. The top 20 fastest female competitors in the Daze Dash Division-female will be invited back for the finals of the competition on Sunday, May 3. The fastest time in the finals of the event will win the $2,500 prize.
• Daze Dash Division – Male – this is an open competition where individual males will compete for $2,500. To compete in this division, contestants must register online at toadsuckchallenge.com or by calling 501.513.4544. One hundred names will be drawn to compete in a preliminary race on Saturday, May 2. The top 20 fastest male competitors in the Daze Dash Division-male will be invited back for the finals of the competition on Sunday, May 3. The fastest time in the finals of the event will win the $2,500 prize.
• Team School Division – A team of four designated individual employees, with at least one being female, from Central Arkansas schools will compete at a specified time. The organization’s team with the fastest time will win $1,000 for their school. Organizations will need to register for this event at Arvest Bank, 2590 North Donaghey, Conway by May 1.
There is no cost to enter any event and all contestants must be 13 years of age or older.
For more information, call Lori Melton at 501.513.4544, visit toadsuckchallenge.com or visit the Toad Suck Challenge Facebook page.