06 Aug 2014 Registration open for Little Rock Marathon
Little Rock Marathon race officials recently announced that registration is open for its 2015 event to be held Saturday, Feb. 28, and Sunday, March 1.
Race Weekend events include the 13th Annual Little Rock Marathon, the Little Rock Half Marathon, the Little Rock 10K, the Little Rock 5K Fun Run/Walk, the Little Rockers Kids Marathon and the Little Rock Health & Fitness Expo.
Registration for the Little Rockers Kids Marathon will open Monday, Sept. 1.
The Little Rock Marathon offers a training program to individuals participating in the 2015 race. Official training begins in mid-September. The Little Rock Marathon Training Program, presented by Bill Torrey’s Rock City Running and KARK Channel 4, is free of charge but registration is required.
The 2014 Marathon was a success with a 12.7 percent increase in race participation from 2013. More than 21,400 individuals participated in the various training programs and races.
Registration will be available online at littlerockmarathon.com through 11:59 p.m. CST Friday, Feb. 20. A mail-in registration form is also available on the registration page of the website or by calling race headquarters at 501.371.4639. Mail-in registration forms must be postmarked by Feb. 20.
In the past, all races have sold out, due in part to the famously HUGE finisher’s medals and fun race themes. The 2015 theme is “treasure” and race officials anticipate the race will sell out before the end of the year.
For more information about deadline, details and the race, visit littlerockmarathon.com or contact the Little Rock Marathon office at 501.3714639.
The Little Rock Marathon Weekend is presented by the Arkansas Democrat Gazette and benefits Little Rock Parks & Recreation.