27 May 2020 Registration: Deadlines listed for fall semester
by Jessica Duff
The Pulaski County Special School District serves nearly 12,000 students in Pulaski County, with almost 3,000 students attending schools in the Maumelle feeder zone. As we prepare for the 2020-2021 school year, PCSSD encourages families to explore the opportunities available at schools in the Robinson feeder (Crystal Hill Elementary, Oak Grove Elementary, Pine Forest Elementary, Maumelle Middle and Maumelle High).
AVID and PBIS are two of the “Big Rock” initiatives that PCSSD started district-wide in the 2019-2020 academic year. All schools in the Maumelle feeder have flourished with these approaches to education and behavior.
AVID is a college and career readiness system centered on engaging professional learning. AVID shows educators how to increase student engagement, promote classroom collaboration and activate deeper levels of learning in their classrooms with practical, immediately useful tools and instructional strategies. It is research-based with nearly 40 years of evidence. Teachers who participate in AVID professional learning begin to shift their beliefs about teaching and learning, allowing them to cultivate a growth mindset both for themselves and their students.
PBIS changes the focus to prevention from punishment to improve school safety and promote positive behavior with the understanding that kids can only meet behavior expectations if they know what the expectations are. Schools will still respond to inappropriate behavior, but the punishment isn’t the focus – instead the focus is on teaching expectations and prevention of inappropriate behavior.
Registration officially opened earlier this year for new and returning students. Although the window for school choice closed on May 1, there is still time to register if you are new to PCSSD or returning to the district for the 2020-2021 school year. Everyone must complete the registration process in order to attend a school with PCSSD.
Jan. 13, 2020: Online registration window opened for students new to Pulaski County Special School District in grades K – 12.
Feb. 3: Online registration window opened for students returning to the Pulaski County Special School District
May 18, 2020: Equity and Pupil Services began accepting permits
Parents of students who are new to the district can register their children online in the district’s online registration gateway. The NEW STUDENT registration portal is only for students K-12 who have never attended a PCSSD school and reside in the PCSSD attendance zone. The online registration portal can be found on the PCSSD website at pcssd.org/register.
Parents of students returning to PCSSD for the 2020-2021 school year will use the online registration gateway. Students must be registered online to the school for which their address is zoned. You can find your zoned school as well as a link to the online registration portal on the PCSSD website at pcssd.org/register.
PCSSD’s Pre-K program is a free, standards-based program that aims to build strong foundational skills that help prepare students for kindergarten. It is open to all qualifying students who turn 3 or 4 on or before Aug. 1 of the enrollment year.
Pre-K registration for the 2020-2021 school year opened on Jan. 13. Parents of new Pre-K students can register at any elementary school that has a Pre-K program. Pre-K students will be assigned to schools based on the PCSSD zone map.
Parents who would like to request a transfer for their student, from one school in our district to another school in our same district, must complete a Permit to Transfer Application and submit it to the PCSSD Division of Equity and Pupil Services, by email to [email protected]. Approval of permits is based on several criteria, including program capacity and the reason for the transfer. You will be notified by phone and/or email if your permit application is approved after June 1.
For more information on registration for K-12 grades, please email Yolanda Richards with the Division of Equity and Pupil Services at [email protected].
For more information on registration for Pre K, please email Ebony McKinzy in the Pre-K Office at [email protected].
Pulaski County Special School District spans more than 600 miles in Central Arkansas and requires highly skilled and passionate personnel to adapt educational policies and personalization to 25 schools. Every school is accredited by the Arkansas State Board of Education. PCSSD has served schools across Pulaski County since July 1927.
PCSSD is committed to creating a nationally recognized school district that assures that all students achieve at their maximum potential through collaborative, supportive and continuous efforts of all stakeholders.