02 Mar 2022 Register now to become an Outdoors Woman this spring
The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will host a special women’s outdoor weekend April 8-10 with workshops throughout the state to engage women in the beginning steps of hunting, fishing, and how to be a larger part of conservation.
The weekend of small workshops began in lieu of a large gathering during COVID-19 protocols, but administrators saw the increased opportunity for one-on-one instruction in smaller workshops and began to build the new spring format to capitalize on the variety of outdoors options found throughout the state.

Visit register-ed.com/events/view/177277 to see a list of classes and locations. Other great AGFC workshops are available at register-ed.com/programs/arkansas/240-arkansas-outdoor-skills-network.
Lea White, who coordinates BOW for the AGFC said the format allows participants to enjoy some of the best outdoors opportunities where they happen instead of trying to bring many different experiences to one location.
Weekend experiences range from outdoor photography sessions and knot-tying workshops to an overnight camping trip and catch, clean and cook fishing excursion. Nearly every AGFC nature center is holding at least one workshop for the weekend, but many of the outings are spread to different locations to maximize the experience for attendees.
“All of the classes are free, except one of our concealed carry classes,” White said. “That one requires a small fee paid directly to the instructor, not the AGFC. All the rest are 100 percent free.”
While free, some activities will require participants to bring their own food and drinks they may need for a day outdoors. Participants also should look at the class description and dress accordingly.
“If you’re taking a paddling class, for instance, it’s best to bring a change of clothes as you’re likely going to get wet,” White said. “We’re going to be having a fun time outdoors, so we may get a little dirty.”
Some of the most popular classes fill quickly, so interested participants should sign up as soon as possible. Even if an event is full, people are encouraged to sign up for the wait list to fill any spots that may open and to evaluate the need for more classes on each topic in the future.
Becoming an Outdoors-Woman is an outdoor skills program that offers workshops, classes and camps designed for women 18 and older. The program focuses on providing women the opportunity to learn skills and encourages participation in hunting, fishing, and other outdoor activities. These programs offer a supportive atmosphere where women can learn skills that enhance their enjoyment of Arkansas’s outdoors. Visit agfc.com/BOW or follow the Becoming an Outdoors-Woman Arkansas page on Facebook at facebook.com/BOWArkansas to learn more.
Article provided by Randy Zellers Assistant Chief of Communications for the AGFC.