17 Apr 2023 Quiz Bowl 2 state finals return to PBS April 22
CONWAY — High school students from across the state will showcase their intellect in the annual Arkansas Governor’s Academic Competition “Arkansas Quiz Bowl 2023” airing Saturday, April 22, beginning at 9 a.m. and live streaming at myarpbs.org/watch.

“Quiz Bowl 2023” will be broadcast in two parts: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 1:30-4:30 p.m. A total of 14 teams in seven conferences will compete in the state finals for scholarship money.
The first round of matching beginning at 9 a.m. will include in order of appearance:
- 7A – Fayetteville High School vs. Conway High School.
- 4A – Bauxite High School vs. Arkadelphia High School.
- 5A – Valley View High School vs. Batesville Charter High School.
- 3A – Mountain View High School vs. Haas Hall Academy Fayetteville.
Matches will resume at 1:30 p.m. and feature in order of appearance:
- 6A – Russellville High School vs. Benton High School.
- 1A – Sacred Heart Catholic School vs. Norfork High School.
- 2A – Haas Hall Academy Bentonville vs. Life Way Christian School.
Each match will last approximately one hour. Matches will be available to stream on YouTube at myarpbs.org/2023quizbowlplaylist in the week following broadcast.
“Quiz Bowl” is a celebration and recognition of scholarship that has been an Arkansas PBS tradition since 1985. In a series of questions, players must display their knowledge in literature, math, science, history, art, music and economics. Teams from across the state compete for the chance to represent The Natural State in national tournaments.
The Arkansas Governor’s Quiz Bowl Association holds regional tournaments around the state during March. Teams are assigned to a site, and a random drawing places the teams on the pairing schedule. A percentage of teams in the tournament advance to the state tournament. The top two teams from each classification advance to the State Conference Finals.