05 Apr 2021 Queen’s Cartoonists to perform at UCA’s Reynolds Performance Hall
The University of Central Arkansas’ Reynolds Performance Hall welcomes the Queen’s Cartoonists at 7:30 p.m. on April 19.
The Queen’s Cartoonists are a jazz band specializing in music from cartoons from the 1920s to the present day. These world-class professional musicians, born on three continents, come together to create a concert of classical music and jazz for everyone. Since their inception in 2015, the Queen’s Cartoonists have gone from performing in the New York City subway system to opening for the New York Philharmonic and playing in performing arts centers in over 20 states. The band has been featured in numerous major publications, including The Wall Street Journal, The Chicago Tribune, Mashable and have been featured on National Public Radio.

Attendees should expect the unexpected from a repertoire that includes the Golden Age of animation, cult cartoon classics, modern animation and elements of a musical circus. Music from classic cartoons like “Bugs Bunny,” “Popeye” and “Betty Boop” to modern animation will all be synchronized to video projections of the original films. Throw in comical stories about the cartoons and composers, and the night will be filled with laughter and amazement.
The six musicians include Joel “Sweet Sauce” Pierson on piano, Greg “Eggs And” Hammontree on trumpet, Mark “Dingo” Phillips on woodwinds, Rossen “Chock Full” Nedelchev on drums, Drew “Dranka” Pitcher on woodwinds and Malik “M” McLaurine on bass.
“This lighthearted show is perfect for all ages and filled with fantastic music and comical entertainment,” said Director of Reynolds Amanda Horton. “It’s always rewarding to present shows that bring together multiple art forms for an amazing performance.”
Reynolds Performance Hall continues to closely monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and has plans and protocols in place to ensure the safety of its patrons. There will be social distancing measures in place, reduced capacity seating for events, mandated mask requirements, new entry and exit guidelines, and more. Reynolds will continue to follow all mandated regulations for large venues and institutions of higher education. Plans will be monitored and assessed on a show-by-show basis. More information regarding events can be found on our website at uca.edu/Reynolds.
Tickets are on sale now and may be purchased at the Reynolds Box Office from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, or by calling UCA Ticket Central at 501.450.3265 or toll-free at 866.810.0012. Tickets are $30-$40 for adults and student/children tickets are $10. UCA community and student discounts are available.