31 Dec 2014 Plans announced for Greenbrier Gets Fit
Participants are being recruited for the 2015 Greenbrier Gets Fit program, including the Mayor’s 107+ Challenge.
The community wellness program is designed to encourage people to get motivated, get moving and get fit.
To participate in the challenge, individuals walk, jog, run or roll 107 miles between Thursday, Jan. 1, and Saturday, April 18, and log their miles online. Participants are invited to walk the last mile with incoming Greenbrier Mayor Sammy Hartwick at a big event on Saturday, April 18, or participate in the Moustache Dash 5K. There will be a beard and moustache competition, judged by representatives from the gold level sponsors: My Country Y107, King Graphics, OSP Imaging and the Greenbrier Chamber of Commerce. Trophies will be awarded to the overachieving individual and team. A spirit award will also be given.
In addition, the Greenbrier Event Center offers many wellness and exercise opportunities, including free personal training consultations.
This is the second year for the challenge and the new mayor will be handed the baton on Jan. 1 when he is sworn in. The community is invited to meet the new mayor during a reception at the Greenbrier City Event Center from 9 to 11 a.m. Friday, Jan. 2. Light refreshments will be served and there will be staff on site to help with registration for the challenge. Information about programs and classes will also be available.
To register or for more information, visit greenbriergetsfit.com or contact Shellie O’Quinn at 501.679.6362 or [email protected].