23 Nov 2016 Pioneer Village to hold its ‘Old Fashioned Christmas’
Santa is making a special trip to Pioneer Village on Saturday, Dec. 3, for the Annual "Old Fashioned Christmas."
Santa’s visit is planned from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Bring your wish list for Santa and a camera to make your picture with him whether you are a youngster or senior "youngster at heart."
In addition to Santa and his sleigh, the Village’s very own "herd" of reindeer can be seen grazing nearby.
The Village will be decorated in the style of the late 1800s with live greenery, berries and other natural materials. Handmade decorations can be seen on the Christmas tree in the family home, the Gordon House, and the community tree in the Little Red School. Hand-knitted stockings, made from cotton grown at the Village, hang from the mantel awaiting an apple or orange and maybe a few pieces of candy.
Cookies baking will fill the house with the wonderful smell of Christmas. The farm animals will also be celebrating the season with their red bows and bells.
All the buildings will be open for touring. In addition, hot cider and sugar cookies will be served. Children may, in addition to playing pioneer games, decorate their own sugar cookie in the school house.
Carolers will be roaming the Village sharing their songs. Musicians will also be playing Christmas music throughout the day. Come hear your favorite carols.
The Pioneers will be busy making wonderful delights for a bake sale. Come early to make selections of the yummy items for sale. Everything from candies, cookies, cakes and more will be available.
Handmade toys, Civil War paper dolls, aprons, walking sticks, train whistles and stocking stuffers are just some of the items available in the Garner Depot. Toy trains, furnished by Arkansas Traveler Hobbies, will also be running in the baggage room of the Depot.
Admission and parking are free. Donations are accepted. All donations are used for maintenance and improvement to the Village. Parking is directed by Boy Scout Troop 345, Searcy.
Pioneer Village, located at 1200 Higginson St. in Searcy, is a preservation project of the White County Historical Society.
For more information, please call 501.580.6633 or 501.278.5010.